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Hydrogen Sulfide, commonly referred to as H2S, is a a colourless, flammable, poisonous and corrosive gas that can commonly be found during the drilling and production phases of crude oil and natural gas. H2S can also be found in water treatment, utility facilities and sewers. This gas is noted by its rotten egg smell at low concentrations. Higher concentrations will result in an immediate loss of smell, meaning the worker is completely unaware of the hazardous environment they are in without the proper training and equipment.

H2S is deadly due to its ability to prevent cellular respiration similar to that of carbon monoxide. At high enough concentrations this gas will result in lack of consciousness, brain damage due to loss of oxygen and death.

If you or you workers suspect that you will be working in a “sour” environment it is important to have your workforce trained in H2S Alive and have the proper gas monitors for the job.

Life Support Ltd’s H2S course will prepare you for working in environments that may or do have poisonous gases present and how to competently use SCBAs and different forms of gas monitors to ensure that every worker goes home safely after the job is done.

Life Support Ltd also offers rental and sales of personal gas monitors.

To schedule a H2S class or inquire about our personal gas monitor pricing email us at

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